UAP Brunei Welcomes UAP Charter Member to Brunei
The UAP Brunei Executive Board, on behalf of the Chapter, welcomed Ar. Luis Torrente, an UAP Charter Member to Brunei who was visiting on business in a simple dinner at the Tarindak D' Seni Restaurant at the Brunei Arts and Crafts Center on 6 May 2015. Ar. Torrente graduateed Architecture from the University of the Philippines and is a registered architect since 1972. He was among those architects who became members of the UAP when the organization was founded in 1975, making him a founding member or, as officially called, a Charter Member of the UAP. Joining the welcome dinner was member Alan Filio, a fellow UP alumnus.

The UAP Executive Board and with UAP member Alan Filio with Ar. Luis Torrent, seated 2nd from left.