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UAP Brunei Chapter Twelfth General Membership Meeting & Fiscal Year-end Party for FY2020-2021

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter has held its final General Membership Meeting last 26th June 2021 at Arch. Rey Anthony I. Castillo, Jerudong, Brunei Darussalam.

To formally open the meeting, CP Arch. Romy delivered his welcoming remarks and has thanked all the attending members and acknowledged each and everyone’s enormous contribution for the outgoing fiscal year despite of the continuing effect of the pandemic. The Chapter will keep positive for the incoming fiscal year and will continue to serve its membership as mandated.

After the acknowledgement Chapter President Arch. Romy, presented a brief President's Report and the incoming Chapter Treasurer discussed the current Financial Report to the members in attendance.

While it may be less lavish than the previous fiscal year-end parties, it was nonetheless a festive night filled with food, gifts and laughter amongst the members. The Fiscal Year-end Party was indeed a fitting end to what had been a very busy and productive year, and the Chapter looks forward to a more exciting 2022 despite the challenges ahead.

The meeting has started at around 7:25 PM and ended at around 8:40 PM.

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