First GMM of FY2015-16
The UAP Brunei Chapter opened the new fiscal year with a casual gathering at a member's residence. Members came with their potluck dishes.
The first General Membership Meeting is among the most important GMM's because the plans for the year is laid out. Top of the list is the preparation for the 1st Anniversary Celebration and Induction Ceremonies. The Chapter was inaugurated on 23rd August 2014 and will be celebrating its 1st Anniversary on 6th September to coincide with the Induction Ceremonies of the Incoming Officers and New Members.
Another important agenda for the 1st GMM is the collection of the Annual Membership Fee, composed of the National (IAPOA) Fee and Chapter Fee. Members are requested to see the Chapter Treasurer before the deadline of 31 August 2015 to keep their records up to date.

UAP Brunei Chapter thanks Ar. Neil Rutor and family for hosting GMM 1 at their home.