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The 43rd UAP NatCON Chapter Delegation & Awards

The recently held 43rd UAP National Convention was attended by an unprecedented 4000+ delegates, the highest turnout so far in UAP's history. UAP Brunei Chapter, represented by eight delegates led by its Chapter President is very proud to have been part of this historic feat.

The Convention focused primarily on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of architects with seven (7) highly informative sessions on the current trends in the industry. Also held were the Chapter President’s assembly, Assemblies for Architects with practice in government and education sector, and Architectural tours for the delegates. One of the highlights of the convention was the CONEX where various building products, both local and overseas, were showcased by several suppliers.

During the awards night, the Chapter was adjudged for the second straight time as the “Best New Foreign Based Chapter in group 3” and bagged for the first time the “Best World Day of Architecture Program” award.

The event was held at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City last 27-28 & 29 April 2017.

The Chapter Delegation, from L-R: Ar. Melvin B. Gomez, Ar. Alan F. Filio, Ar. Rey Anthony I. Castillo, Ar. Leonor D. Dasco, Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos, Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Ar. Aladin C. Agitan and Ar. Pedro L. Fontanilla Jr.

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