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UAP BN Basketball 2017

The UAP Brunei Chapter has joined for the second straight season the Inter-Organization Basketball Tournament upon the invitation of the Filipino Association Brunei (FAB), the main organizer of the tournament. The tournament had started last 24 June and few more games has yet to be played. Among opposing teams under the same bracket are IIEE, PICE(B), PSBD and FTC.

The players are mostly composed of Chapter Members with reinforcement from the Graduate Auxiliaries. During the opening ceremony, the Team has bagged the "Best in Uniform" award. The basketball games is usually held at Batu Bersurat Basketball Court, Gadong.

from L - R : Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Alvin June Pena, Ar. Francis D. Nicdao, Josh Filio, Ar. Kevin O. Bacabis, Ar. Wario C. Tacbad, Dante Nicdao, Sherwin Antonio (partly hidden), Ar. Christheart Anthony B. Corral, Ar. Orville J. Dulce (Muse), FAB Representative, Ar. Albert M. Abarintos, Ar. Jonald C. Catapang, Ar. Yolito I. Amante, Dario Falaminiano, Ar. Aladin C. Agitan and Rommel Magtoto. Not in picture were Ar. Hernando J. Hautea Jr (Team Manager) and Ar. Marious C. Anyayahan (Coach), Ar. Dominic N. Cordova, Ar. Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria and Jefferson Tapao (Players)

Photo taken during one of team's practice.

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