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Courtesy Call with the Philippine Ambassador

On the 26th of July, the UAP Brunei Chapter led by its Chapter President Ar. Alan F. Filio paid a courtesy call at the Philippine Embassy to the incumbent Philippine Ambassador to Brunei, His Excellency Meynardo LB Montealegre. During the visit, the UAP Brunei Chapter informed the Hon. Ambassador about the activities that the Chapter would be undertaking for the fiscal year 2017-2018. The National Architecture Week celebration, World Day of Architecture, Product Presentations, Members' Professional Development and the Architect Licensure Examinations Review Program were just some of the priority activities mentioned which will be organized by the Chapter for its Members and Graduate Auxiliaries.

The Chapter also discussed the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Law which has taken effect this year and the challenges it poses on professionals working abroad. The Chapter was also pleased to share to the Hon. Ambassador the Chapter’s accomplishment in the recently concluded 43rd UAP National Convention held in Manila in April this year wherein the Brunei Chapter won for the second straight year the “Best New Foreign Chapter” award and the “Best Program for World Architecture Day” award for the first time. The Hon. Ambassador expressed his delight and appreciation of the Chapter’s cooperation and active participation in events organized for the Filipino community being one of the organizations under the umbrella of the Filipino Association in Brunei (FAB).

Finally, The Hon. Ambassador encouraged the Chapter to consider supporting scholarship programs in aid of deserving students interested in taking up the architecture course. A strong advocate of providing education opportunities, the Hon. Ambassador believes that the recipient of such aid will not only avail himself the chance to obtain good education but will also bring about hope to his family for a better future. Together with His Excellency during the courtesy call visit were Consul Mr. Melvin C. Almonguera, Vice Consul Ms. Jaybee B. Arguillas and Ms. Rose Paz Narvaja-Cornista, the Cultural Officer and Attache.

From L-R: Ar. Nina L. Torregosa (Committee on Internal Affairs Representative/Member), Ar. Alan F. Filio (Chapter President), His Excellency Meynardo LB Montealegre (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipontentiary of The Republic of the Philippines to Brunei Darussalam), Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II (Chapter Secretary), Ar. Lilian A. Tampoc-Pena (Chapter Treasurer) and Ar. Francis D. Nicdao (Director for Committee on Professional Practice)

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