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2nd GMM for FY 2017-18

The United Architects Of The Philippines Brunei Chapter held its Second General Membership Meeting for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 last 04th of August 2017 at the Jollibee, Kilanas Branch, Brunei Darussalam.

Ar. Alan F. Filio (Chapter President), confirmed the date of the upcoming 3rd Chapter Anniversary & Induction to be held on 18th of September 2017 with UAP NP Ar. Guillermo Hisancha as inducting officer. He also briefly discussed the draft program for the upcoming Induction & Anniversary and the event preparations were assigned to the Committee on Internal Affairs headed by Director Ar. Eric De Castro. Letters for Sponsorship were also distributed that night with the assistance from Ar. Christheart Anthony B. Corral. The Annual Photo Shoot proposal was presented by Ar. Eric S.J. De Castro (CIA Director). The said Photo Shoot is scheduled on 13th of August (Sunday), 1:00 P.M. at the Pavo Point, Bandar Seri Begawan.

Regarding the Chapter Yearbook, Ar. Alan F. Filio requested each Committee Director to nominate at least one member from their respective committees to be part of the AdHoc committee tasked mainly to do write-ups and editorial layout while the printing and distribution was delegated to the Committee on Education. Ar. Hernando Hautea, Jr.(VP Programs & Dev’t.) presented the UAP Chapter Shirt uniform. Meanwhile, Ar. Lilian A. Tampoc-Pena, Chapter Treasurer concurrently collected the Annual Chapter Dues & IAPOA fees that night.

Finally, some announcements from the Philippine Embassy were mentioned by the Chapter President, one of which was the participation in the Jubilee Parade being organized in Celebration of His Majesty The Sultan’s 50th Anniversary of his Ascension to the Throne that will be celebrated on 5th October 2017. The said event is anticipated as one of the biggest & grandest celebration in Brunei history.

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