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Chapter Yearbook Ad-Hoc Committee

An Ad-Hoc Committee has been formed to work on this year's Chapter Yearbook in connection with the UAP Brunei Chapter's 3rd Induction and Anniversary Celebration next month. Leading the group is Ar. Alan F. Filio, the Chapter President. It was agreed that the graphical theme for the yearbook would be Construction-related. The Chapter President discussed the book contents and delegated the tasks respectively to the attending members. The team committed to do their best effort for the successful outcome of the yearbook. The deadline for the completion of the layout is scheduled on 05 September.

Completing the team for this remarkable task are the following officers and members, namely: Ar. Hernando J. Hautea Jr (Chapter VP for Programs and Development), Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II (Chapter Secretary), Ar. Eric S. De Castro (Director, Committee on Internal Affairs), Ar. Jimmy G. Villanueva, Ar. Pedro L. Fontanilla Jr., Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos, Ar. Marilette D. Balderrama, Ar. Lee Anthony M. Abrio and Ar. Jonald C. Catapang. The Chapter has also sought again the services of Ms. Berna Quesada as this year's graphics layout artist.

The Team group photo (not in picture were Ar. Lee Anthony M. Abrio and Ar. Marilette D. Balderrama). Taken at Gloria Jean's Coffee Bandar Branch last 11 August during their first meeting.

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