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Chapter Photo Shoot

Under the scorching heat of Sunday afternoon last 13 August 2017, the UAP Brunei Chapter held their photo shoot session at the PAVO Point Building which is currently undergoing construction. Located at the Capital town of Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam, the building served as the backdrop for the UAP Brunei Chapter Yearbook that would be distributed during the Chapter’s 3rd Anniversary Celebration and Induction Program scheduled next month.

With ‘Construction’ as this year’s yearbook theme, Members and Graduate Auxiliaries had their group photos taken wearing blue or dark blue long sleeve shirts (white long sleeve shirts for the graduate auxiliaries), jeans, safety shoes/black closed shoes, safety vests and hard hats.

Each of the group photo shoot session was taken at different floors and locations in and around the building with its existing construction background on display plus the fascinating view of Kampong Ayer (Water Village) and nearby landmarks. The group photo shoots included the Executive Board for F.Y. 2017-2018, Committee on Professional Practice, Committee on Internal Affairs, Committee on External Affairs, Committee on Education, New Members and Graduate Auxiliaries. Photos of the various awardees were also taken such as the Crystal Honoree, Outstanding Committee Members, Members with Exemplary Attendance, and Service Awardees.

Special thanks to Ar. Lee Anthony M. Abrio who served as volunteer photographer throughout the photo shoot.

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