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Open Forum with NEVP & SG

In connection with its 3rd Year Anniversary Celebration and Induction Ceremony, the Chapter held an Open Forum on 19th September 2017 at Aiko Sushi Restaurant, Kg. Kiulap, Brunei Darussalam. UAP National Executive Vice President Ar. Benjamin K. Panganiban Jr. gave a very enlightening presentation on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) law and discussed relevant issues affecting the implementation of the Republic Act No. 9266 or the Architecture Act of 2004.

UAP Secretary General Ar. Renato A. Heray, on the other hand, updated the Chapter about the new features of the UAP website. Special mention was made by the Secretary General on the fast and timely submission of the Chapter activity reports every month.

It was indeed a very informative evening and the members went home with a clearer understanding of the CPD Law. Initial misconceptions have now been replaced with a positive mindset as the chapter looks forward to how the CPD program can be implemented locally.

Aside from the General Membership, also in attendance were the Graduate Auxiliaries.

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