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WAD17 : Arki Eco-Walk

The UAP Brunei Chapter celebrated the World Architecture Day 2017 in accordance to local UAP World Architecture Day theme “Greening our Built Environment : Addressing Climate Change” in a very Nature-friendly and healthy fashion. The Chapter is in adherence to MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO.09, S. 2017 Fiscal Year 2017-2018 dated 03 September 2017 issued by the UAP National Office.

Prior to start of the event, the Members had a warm-up session of Tai Chi led by one of its members, Ar. Marious C. Anyayahan. It was followed by a short program to officially kick-off the Chapter’s WAD 2017 activities. The invocation was done by Ar. Amelito S. De Sena while the Chapter President, Ar. Alan F. Filio gave the welcoming remarks. CP thanked all the attending Members as well the Committee on External Affairs headed by Ar. Christian Lester R. Serrano for the exciting activity ahead. CP also enjoined the Membership to enjoy the day's activity and take advantage of the natural environment which is still well-preserved in Brunei, and also be aware about the impact of climate change in our daily lives.

To formally commence the games proper, the Members were divided into four teams where they chose their respective team leaders. Drawing inspiration from the TV franchise 'The Amazing Race', various stations and challenges awaited the teams such as: Station 1- Question & Answer, Station 2- Maze, Station 3- Tri-pod assembly, Station 4- Egg cooking, Station 5- Exercise, Station 6- Trail course, and Station 7- Therapeutic walk. After all the competitors have made their way to the finish line, the teams competed in the final game which proved to be even more exciting. Each team was asked to draw the object picked out from the box involving categories ranging from Architecture, Climate, and Brunei culture. The team members took their turns in drawing the same object in a relay fashion where the last member of the team has to identify the mystery word. Amidst cheers, jeers, and time pressure, the teams had to give their best illustration to garner the much needed points.

When the dust settled, Team 4 emerged as the Champion garnering an average score of 90% (kindly refer to photos below for the rest of the winning teams). It was indeed a very exhausting and exciting race that everyone had to accomplish--truly a manifestation of strong camaraderie and active cooperation among the Membership.

Right after the awarding ceremony, the Members proceeded to Pantai Tungku (Tungku Beach) for their much-awaited and well-deserved food treat. Credit goes to the Committee on External Affairs for making sure that the WAD activity was well organized and highly successful. Also in attendance were the Graduate Auxiliaries led by its President, Ms. Sorela E. Soriano.

The above activity was held on 15 October 2017 at Taman Rekreasi Bukit Shabandar, Muara-Tutong Highway, Bandar Seri Begawan. The event started at 7:00 AM and ended at around 11:15 AM.

Tai Chi session with Ar. Marious.

The victorious Team 4 emerged as the Champion consists of (L-R), Ar. Kelly, Ar. Iris,Ar. Rey,Ar. Alan & Ar. Tune.

Team 1 bagged the 1st runner up award consists of (L-R), Ar. Eric, Ar. Yolito, Ar. Nayo, Ar. Heric & GA Christine.

Team 3 bagged 2nd runner up award consists of (L-R), Ar. Romy, Ar. Allan, Ar. Dulce, Ar. Jun F and Ar. Aladin.

Team 2 bagged the 3rd runner up award consists of (L-R), GA Joel, GA Sorela, Ar. Noel, Ar. Albert & Ar. Francis.

Chow and tapaw time!

Group photo taken at Pantai Tungku beach after the delicious food treat.

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