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UAP Brunei Chapter holds its first CPD Seminar

The UAP Brunei Chapter has successfully conducted its first ever Continuing Professional Development Seminar (CPD) on Design Build Services and the ASEAN Architects Registry.

The event started with an invocation led by Ar. Amelito R. De Sena followed by the welcoming remarks from the Chapter President, Ar. Alan Filio. In his remarks, the Chapter President related the series of events leading to the staging of the seminar beginning with the UAP NATCON43 where the Brunei delegation had the privilege of listening to the in-depth discussion of the CPD for Architects. The firm resolve to organize the CPD came about during the 3rd Chapter Anniversary celebration and Induction Ceremony where the presence of UAP NEVP Ar. Benjie Panganiban and UAP Sec Gen Ar. Rene Heray and their further inputs on the matter finally gave the impetus to pursue this CPD Seminar to benefit the members of the Chapter.

The event was graced by the presence of two prominent members of the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBArc), Hon. Robert S. Sac, FUAP, ASEAN Ar. who is the present Chairman of the PRBArc and Hon. Robert M. Mirafuente, FUAP, ASEAN Ar., APEC Ar, member of PRBArc and Chairman of the CPD Council for Architecture.

The Guests of Honor both gave very inspiring recollections of their professional journey and success achieved in their respective practices. They enjoined Architects working abroad to seriously consider a professional career back in our home country to contribute to nation building as the country gears toward more construction and development nationwide. They also shared insights on the Continuing Professional Development or CPD for architects which continues to cause disagreements from some sectors in the general Membership and how it is played in the social media. Both expressed optimism that all registered and licensed architects (RLA’s), regardless of their personal convictions, would soon understand and accept the valuable essence of the CPD law and its application to the architectural practice.

The seminar proper started with Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Chapter Secretary, introducing the first speaker for the DBS, Ar. Donato B. Magcale FUAP, ASEAN Ar., International Associate AIA, EAROPH . Ar. Ar. Magcale expounded on the topic: “What is Design-Build Services?" where he explained in detail the UAP – Special Committee on design-build services, goals, objectives and methodology. In the second part of his presentation, Ar. Magcale talked about “The Design-Build Services methodology through the recommendation of the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBArc). "

The second speaker was Ar. Rafael A. Briones Jr. FUAP, PICAM, PhilGBC, who gave a very informative and enlightening presentation on “Architects Design-Build Services and Construction Contracting and Actual Completed Project Contracts and Estimates under Design-Build Services”. Introducing Ar. Briones to the participants was Ar. Francis D. Nicdao, Director for Committee on Professional Practice.

The third speaker was Ar. Alfred Geoffrey Carandang, FUAP, ASEAN Ar., EAROPH who talked on how to become an ASEAN architect and gave a clear overview of the MRA, and the ASEAN Architect Registry. He addressed frequently asked questions about being an ASEAN Architect and went on to discuss in detail the Application process to be included in the ASEAN Architects Registry. He shared sample documents on submission of dossier and other requirements. His talk ended on an inspiring note with an AVP of the profile of all current Filipino ASEAN Architects . Ar. Carandang was briefly introduced by Ar. Hernando J. Hautea Jr., Chapter VP for Programs and Development.

The last and most engaging part of the seminar was a Workshop conducted by Ar. Normandy N. Canlas, UAP. The participants were tasked to design an Auto Mall/Showroom on a 1.85 Hectare land situated near Subic-Clark area, as a test on the application of the design-build services learned from the seminar. The participants were divided into 5 groups and the panel of judges consisted of Ar. Canlas himself, Ar. Ramon N. Vios Jr., PIA, UAP, ASEAN Ar., CCA, Cecilia Cayman-Gamana, UAP, ASEAN Ar. and Ar. Claudio O. Rillera Jr., UAP, PIEP. After deliberation by each group, Ar. Canlas concluded that the result was a five-way tie which led to cheers from the participants.

The Closing remark was enthusiastically delivered by Ar. Rey Anthony I. Castillo, Chapter VP for Operations to officially end the program. It was a grueling day for the participants but more than the points earned from the CPD, the membership benefitted a lot from the learning from this commendable and milestone event for the chapter.

The whole day seminar was ably moderated by Ar. Gilbert C. Sicat and Ar. Marilette D. Balderrama. The Chapter lauds the organizing committee led by Ar. Francis D. Nicdao, Director for Committee on Professional Practice for a job well done. The Seminar was attended by 31 Chapter Members and was held on 05 November 2017 at 2F Brilliance Hall, Kg. Kiulap, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.

Hon. Robert S. Sac, FUAP, ASEAN Ar. , Chairman of the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture addressing the participants.

Hon. Robert M. Mirafuente, FUAP, ASEAN Ar., APEC Ar, member of PRBArc and Chairman of the CPD Council for Architecture.

The first speaker Ar. Donato B. Magcale FUAP, ASEAN Ar., International Associate AIA, EAROPH. Introducing Ar. Magcale to the participants was Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Chapter Secretary (from right).

The second speaker Ar. Rafael A. Briones Jr. FUAP, PICAM, PhilGBC delivering his talk.

The third speaker Ar. Alfred Geoffrey Carandang, FUAP, ASEAN Ar., EAROPH mainly talks about ASEAN history and the steps to become an ASEAN architect.

The final speaker Ar. Normandy N. Canlas, UAP conducted a challenging workshop about Design-Build Services to the participants.

Panoramic view of the seminar venue.

Group photo of the DBS Committee, PRBARC officials and the Chapter Members.

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