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Rule VII & VIII Design Subject Lecture by Ar. Jhin Tabuzo

Ar. Isaias “Jhin”B. Tabuzo, Jr. has once again been invited to lecture on Design Rule VII & VIII to the Graduate Auxiliaries in Brunei Darussalam as part of their early preparations for the upcoming Architect Licensure Examinations (ALE) in January 2018.

The Graduate Auxiliaries who successfully completed the review course were: Sorella E. Soriano, Christine Ann P. Payopay, Joel Palarca, Roy S. Renomeron, Joy Bernard Corminal, Alex Gomez and Herlibon Nicdao. Also taking part was Ar. Hernando J. Hautea, Jr. who joined the review class to familiarize himself with the topic in preparation for future architectural practice in the Philippines.

One of interesting moments in the review session was when Ar. Tabuzo made the GAs and the UAP Brunei Members compete with each other in a question and answer portion regarding the professional practices and building laws in Philippine setting. Prior to answering the given question, each team was given a chance to discuss among its team members and come up with the final answer. With a total of 97 questionnaires, Team UAP garnered a score of 48 points against Team GAs 40 points and was adjudged the winner to the delight of the Members.

At the final day of review, the UAP Brunei Chapter led by Ar. Hernando J. Hautea, Jr., VP for Programs and Development prepared a short program for the visiting Mentor. A certificate of appreciation from the Chapter was handed over by Ar. Allan B. David to Ar. Tabuzo and some personal gifts from Ar. Hernando J. Hautea Jr. and Sorella E. Soriano as well. Testimonials were also given by the previous batch of passers namely: Ar. Lee Anthony M. Abrio, Ar. Heric B. Nicdao, Ar. Gilbert C. Sicat and Ar. Allan B. David who personally thanked the passionate Mentor and shared their thoughts about board exams strategy and tips to the GAs. From the original 19 GAs who took part in the 2015 review that were mentored by Ar. Tabuzo, 14 of them passed the ALE. Most of them are now present Members of the UAP Brunei Chapter. The farewell was filled with emotions as Ar. Tabuzo also commended the UAP Brunei Chapter thru its Committee on Education and the Graduate Auxiliaries for a very warm welcome and treatment extended to him during his stay.

The Committee on Education would like to thank the other Members who have given their support to the activity namely: Architects Reynaldo M. Ramos, Jonald C. Catapang, Aladin C. Agitan, Iris Rachel P. Pabilonia-Benig, Yolito I. Amante and Romeo J. Nabong II.

The ALE Review program is a part of the service to the GAs by the Committee on Education led by its Director Ar. Allan B. David. The GAs were led by its President, Ms. Sorella E. Soriano. The venue of review was held at 5F Palazzo de Qaseh, Plaza Atirah, Seri Complex, Brunei Darussalam on 24, 25 & 26 of November 2017.

Some of Chapter Members posed with the Graduate Auxiliaries and Ar. Jhin Tabuzo (seated center)

Batch 2 GAs (from L-R) Joel Palarca, Christine Ann Payopay, Herlibon Nicdao, Sorela Soriano and Roy Renomeron. (Not in photo were Joy Bernard Corminal & Alex Gomez)

Ar. Jhin Tabuzo (center) receives the Certificate of Appreciation from UAP Brunei Chapter led by Ar. Hernando J. Hautea Jr, VP Programs & Development and Ar. Allan B. David, Director-Committee on Education

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