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Seventh GMM for FY 2017-18

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held its 7th General Membership Meeting for FY 2017-2018 at Jollibee Kilanas Branch, Jalan Tutong, BSB, Brunei Darussalam last 09 February 2018.

Prior to the meeting proper, dinner was served to the members. The meeting then went on to proceed to discuss the following agenda below, namely:

1. Chapter Bids for UAP Annual National Awards for FY 2017-2018​ ​

2. NATCON 44

3. 34th Brunei National Day Celebration Parade

4. Distribution of DBS CPD Certificates

5. Announcements

6. Election of Chapter Officers for FY 2018-2019.

All items in the agenda were tackled smoothly​​ by the Chapter President and recorded by the Chapter Secretary accordingly. The Membership also initiated a voluntary monetary contribution as financial assistance to one of its members who is currently recuperating at RIPAS Hospital.

The highlight of the meeting was the election of Chapter Officers for FY 2018-2019. After the dust has settled, below are the official results:

Chapter President: Reynaldo M. Ramos

Chapter VP for Programs & Development: Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria

​Chapter VP for Operations: Nina L. Torregosa

​Chapter Secretary: Romeo J. Nabong II

Chapter Treasurer: Orville J. Dulce

Chapter Auditor: Albert M. Abarintos

All the positions have been filled-in by new members except for the Chapter Secretary who was re-elected for the second term. Finally, the Chapter wishes the Newly-Elected set of Chapter Officers success on its future endeavors by next fiscal year.

​T​he meeting started around 7:35 PM and ended at 9:05 PM.

Ar. Hernando J. Hautea Jr. receives the Certificate of Appreciation

for his talk about Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) from the Chapter President

The Chapter President entrust the Chapter assistance for Ar. Nayo to Ar. Marious C. Anyayahan

The newly-elected set of Chapter Officers for FY 2018-2019 (from L-R)

Ar. Albert M. Abarintos (Chapter Auditor), Ar. Orville J. Dulce (Chapter Treasurer), Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II (Chapter Secretary), Ar. Nina L. Torregosa (Chapter VP for Operations), Ar. Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria

(VP for Programs & Dev't.), and Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos (Chapter President)

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