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UAP Brunei Joins the 34th National Day Celebration Parade

UAP Brunei Chapter members joining the National Day Parade

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter joined the parade in celebration of the 34th Brunei National Day last 24 February 2018 upon the invitation of the Philippine Embassy Brunei Darussalam Cultural Office. This is the third time that the Chapter participated in the annual event. The Chapter had previously participated in both the 31st and the 32nd Brunei National Day parade but was unable to participate in the 33rd Brunei National Day due to unavailability of slots as informed by the PE Cultural Office.

“One of the objectives of the Philippine participation in the parade is to show our gratitude to His Majesty Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei and the people of Brunei Darussalam for hosting us, the 20K plus Filipinos that are mostly OFWs in the Sultanate” as stressed during the earlier drill practices by Col. Jose Ricky A. Laniog, Defense and Armed Forces Attache at the Philippine Embassy. The Chapter hopes to participate in this annual event as part of its commitment to both the Philippine Embassy and the Filipino Association in Brunei being one of the Filipino organizations under its umbrella.

The Chapter delegation was led by Ar. Alan F. Filio, Chapter President. Joining the march with the Chapter President were Chapter members Ar. Yolito I. Amante, Ar. Aladin C. Agitan, Ar. Allan B. David, Ar. Kevin O. Bacabis, Ar. Jonald C. Catapang and Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II.

The assembly time set by the Philippine Embassy was 6:00 A.M in front of Yayasan Complex in the nation's capital while the actual parade started around 9:00 A.M. and ended at 10:30 A.M.

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