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UAP Brunei "Arkiballerz" Participates in the 3rd FA Inter-Organizational Basketball Tourna

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei basketball team known as the “Ärkiballerz” has once again been invited to participate in the 3rd Inter-Organizational Basketball Tournament organized by the Filipino Association Brunei (FA) that will run through March till April this year. Below are the competing teams which were bracketed thru draw lots:

Group A

Integrated Institute of Electrical Engineers

Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – A

Team Marshalls

Pinoy Shutters Brunei Darussalam

Group B

United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter

Philippine Nursing Association

Philippine Bowling Club

Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – B

The UAP BN Basketball team is comprised of:

Team Manager: Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos

Coach: Mr. Ferdinand De Rivera

Assistant Coach: Ar. Allan B. David

Muse: Ms. Princess Mia


Ar. Albert M. Abarintos

Ar. Lee Anthony M. Abrio

Ar. Aladin C. Agitan

Ar. Yolito I. Amante

Ar. Kevin O. Bacabis

Ar. Jonald C. Catapang

Ar. Kirby V. Cordova

Ar. Christheart B. Corral

Mr. Aries Franco

Ar. Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria

Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II

Ar. Francis D. Nicdao

Mr. Alvin June Pena

Ar. Wario C. Tacbad

During the opening night held last 10 March, the team was adjudged winner in the Best in Uniform category and also bagged the Best in Muse award to the delight of the players and the attending members. Although the team had won 2 minor awards, it suffered a loss in the hands of the Philippine Nursing Association in its first game. The team vows to bounce back on its next game which is yet to be determined as of press time.

The team is again very grateful for the assistance and support it has received from the Chapter and to its members as well.

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