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On the 19th of July 2018, the UAP Brunei Chapter, led by Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos, paid a courtesy call to the new Charge d’Affairs, a.i. (CDA) Pete Raymond V. Delfin, First Secretary and Consul, at the Philippine Embassy in Brunei (PEB). Together with the Chapter President were other members of the Chapter Board of Directors, namely Ar. Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria, VP for Programs and Development, Ar. Nina L.Torregosa, VP for Operations, Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Secretary, and Ar. Pedro L. Fontanilla, Jr., Director for Committee on Education. Also in attendance was Cultural Officer and Attache, Rose Paz Narvaja-Cornista.

During the meeting, the group introduced the organization and informed the Consul about the activities the Chapter will be undertaking in the fiscal year 2018-2019. Among the activities are the 4th Chapter Anniversary and Induction Ceremony on 17 September 2018 and the upcoming CPD Seminar on 29 July 2018. The group was also pleased to share with CDA Delfin the Chapter’s accomplishments in the recently concluded 44th UAP Annual National Convention held in Manila in April this year wherein the Brunei Chapter won for the third straight year the “Outstanding Chapter –Foreign-based” award, as well as the “Outstanding Chapter President – Foreign-based” and “Outstanding Member – Foreign-based” award. The group also discussed the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Law which took effect last year, and the challenges it poses on professionals working abroad and how the Chapter is working to provide its members with CPD activities.

CDA Delfin touched on programs of the Embassy where UAP Brunei Chapter and the PEB can possibly collaborate, such as the Philippine Heritage Month and other relevant events. He also talked about the idea of introducing Philippine construction materials, interior décor and furnishings to the Brunei market following the success the Philippine products gained at his previous post, Russia.

CDA Delfin expressed his delight in getting to know the Filipino community in Brunei and highlighted how organizations such as the UAP Brunei Chapter reflect the image of the Filipino people and the Philippines in Brunei.

Standing from L-R: Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II (Chapter Secretary), Ms. Rose Paz Narvaja-Cornista (Cultural Officer and Attache), Ar. Nina L. Torregosa (Chapter VP for Operations), Charge D’ Affaires Pete Raymond V. Delfin, Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos (Chapter President), Ar. Pedro L. Fontanilla, Jr. (Director for Committee on Education, and Ar. Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria (Chapter VP for Programs and Development)​

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