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UAP Brunei Participates in Blood Donation Campaign

As part of the thrusts this fiscal year for the UAP Brunei Chapter to take part in local socio-civic initiatives, a few members participated in the Blood Donation Campaign on 18 September 2018 at the offices of Unicorp Sdn Bhd. The activity was organized by Unicorp Sdn Bhd together with the Blood Bank Rajah Isteri Peringan Anak Saleha (RIPAS), the blood bank of the local government hospital. Blood Bank RIPAS conducts regular blood donation campaign to support and aid the patients in need.

Aside from being able to help someone in need, among the benefits on the donor in donating blood are:

1. Improve heart health

2. Enhance production of new blood cells.

3. Reduce harmful iron store, and reduce the risk of hemochromatosis.

4. Reduce the risk of cancer.

5. Burn calories, about 650 calories per donation of one pint of blood.

6. Free blood analysis.

7. Feel good about helping someone in need.

Members who were present on the blood donation campaign were Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo Ramos, VP for Operations Ar. Nina Torregosa, Chapter Auditor Ar. Albert Abarintos, Directors Ar. Heric Nicdao and Ar. Marious Anyayahan, Past Chapter President Ar. Wario Tacbad and Ar. Christheart Corral.

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