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UAP Brunei Participates in the Clean-Up of Jerudong Beach

Four Chapter Members volunteered to participate in a Beach Clean-up and Survey Part II conducted last 29 September 2018 at the Jerudong Beach, Kg. Jerudong, BSB, Brunei Darussalam. This worthy advocacy was in collaboration with Green Brunei and Reef Check Brunei Ocean Quest Sdn Bhd. Leading the Chapter was its Chapter President, Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos and together with Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Chapter Secretary, Ar. Pedro L. Fontanilla Jr.,Chapter Director for Committee of Education and Ar. Yolito I. Amante, Chapter Director for Committee on Membership.

Respectively, the Project Map-O-Debris is an initiative that aims to provide data-driven tools to combat marine debris issues worldwide. Using Jerudong Beach as the pilot project, this project seeks to tackle the root source of debris within this beach and formulate solutions that are specific and feasible.

The organizers have planned to stage another clean-up drive (Part III) by the first week of October 2018 albeit the location has yet to be finalized. Lastly, UAP Brunei Chapter has committed itself to support this kind of initiatives because it decently relates with the profession as an architect in terms of professional responsibility to the society and the environmentmost importantly.

The Clean-up drive started at around 7:00 AM and ended at 9:10 AM.Refreshments was served right after the event.

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