UAP Brunei Chapter 4th General Membership Meeting for FY2018-2019

The UAP Brunei Chapter conducted its 4thGMM held at Jollibee Kilanas branch on 05th October 2018.

The meeting commenced with an invocation from Ar. Eric S.J. De Castro, followed by an all-time favorite meal amongst the Filipino Community the “Chicken Joy”. Ar.Marious “Jojo” Anyayahan also celebrated his birthday with the Chapter during the GMM.

After the dinner, Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo “Rey” Ramos reported on the recent Socio-Civic activity participated by the Chapter, which was the Coastal Beach Clean-up.

Ar. Reynaldo “Rey” Ramos and Ar. Pedro “Jun” Fontanilla, Director of Committee on Education then proceeded to award Certificates of Appreciation to the Graduate Auxiliary for their notable contribution for the recently held UAP Brunei 4th Year Anniversary Celebration and Induction Ceremonies, namely Sorela E. Soriano, Leslee Ann S. Caranto, Christine Ann P. Payopay, Jun Janier, Joel I. Palarca and Herlibon B. Nicdao.Chapter members, directors and officers were also given recognition for their contribution during the preparations for the Induction.

Chapter Auditor Ar. Albert M. Abarintos presented before the Chapter the Audit of the Financial Report as of 01 October 2018.

Ar.Francis D. Nicdao, Director of Committee on Professional Development,presented to the membership the upcoming CPD Seminar entitled – Introduction to LEED Green Building Rating System in connection to the World Architecture Day. Ar. Nina L.Torregosa, Chapter Vice-President on Operations elaborated on the objectives and learning outcomes of the said seminar.

Ar. Yolito I. Amante, Director of Committee on Membership presented the proposed theme for the Christmas Party.

Ar. Aladin C. Agitan – Team Captain for UAPBN Basketball Team extends his sincerest gratitude on behalf of the whole team for the unceasing support of the UAP membership and invited them to boost the Team’s morale in their next game.
Ar. Reynaldo “Rey” Ramos presented the proposed National Architecture Week (NAW 2018) entitled “Public Forum on the role and services of an Architect”, to be spearheaded by Committee on Education.
The meeting started at 7:47 PM and ended around 9:30 PM.