5th General Membership Meeting for FY2018-2019

The UAP Brunei Chapter conducted its 5th GMM held at Jollibee Kilanas branch on 2nd November 2018 (Friday).The meeting commenced with an invocation from Ar. Jonald Catapang, followed by a dinner.

After the dinner, Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo “Rey” Ramos proceeded to award Certificates of Appreciation to the the Committee on Professional Development headed by Ar.Francis D. Nicdao, for the successful CPD Seminar held on 28th October 2018. Receiving the certificate on behalf of the whole Committee was Ar.Jonald Catapang.

Chapter Auditor Ar. Albert M. Abarintos presented before the Chapter the Audit of the Financial Report as of 01 November 2018

Director of Committee on Education, Ar. Pedro “Jun” Fontanilla, presented before the Chapter the upcoming technical products presentation this coming 23rd November 2018.

Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo “Rey” Ramos elaborated before the Chapter the forum to be held this coming December in celebration of the Philippine National Architecture Week 2018with the theme PanaNAW: Vision of the Future of Filipino Architecture. This forum is a collaboration project with the Philippine Embassy of Brunei, SSS, Pag-IBIG Fund and Filipino Association in Brunei.

Ar. Yolito “Joel” Amante, Director of Committee on Membershipdiscussed the proposed venue and catering selection for this Year-End Christmas Party on December 2018. Surely this will be a fun-filled event for the Chapter and their families.

Chapter Vice President on Programs Ar. Charles Gloria discussed before the Chapter the Upcoming Activities in-progress such as CSR for SMARTER Brunei be held this December 2018, CPD Seminar on January 2019 and the Repainting Works at Tinkerbell School on March 2019.
The meeting started at 7:30 PM and ended around 9:30 PM.