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Chapter BOD Attends Royal Institution (RI), Singapore Talk

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter (UAP BN) Board of Directors for FY2018-19 under the leadership of its Chapter President, Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos has attended a short talk about the Royal Institute (RI), Singapore upon the kind invitation from the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Brunei Chapter (PICE-B). The Chapter has accepted the invitation as it would like to know more about the topic and the benefit it has to offer to architects in particular. After knowing its pros and cons, the Chapter President will inform and raise the matter in the next general membership meeting for membership info. A primer of RI has been also distributed to all the attendees to further fully understand its purposes and intentions.

Some of the Chapter Board of Directors who was also in attendance, namely: Architects Pedro L. Fontanilla Jr., Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria, Albert M. Abarintos, Yolito I. Amante and Romeo J. Nabong II.

Refreshment was served afterwards courtesy from PICE-B. The talk has started at around 8:00 PM and ended at 10:25 PM.

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