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Kabayan, sa Arkitekto Sigurado (A Public Forum on Services and Value of an Architect)

UAP Brunei Chapter held a public forum entitled “Kabayan, sa Arkitekto Sigurado: A Public Forum on Services and Value of an Architect” in conjunction with the Philippine National Architecture Week (NAW) 2018 on the 2nd of December 2018 at Philippine Embassy in Brunei, Diplomatic Enclave, Jalan Kebangsaan, Simpang 336-17, Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei. This year’s NAW theme is PanaNAW: Vision of the Future of Filipino Architecture. The public forum was organized in collaboration with Philippine Embassy in Brunei, Pag-IBIG Fund, Social Security System and Filipino Association in Brunei. There were at least 80 people in attendance including the Philippine Embassy personnel, members of the Filipino community and the UAP Brunei Chapter.

The public forum aimed to promote the architecture profession in support of the advocacy of the UAP to let the architecture profession be known to the public. The public forum also aimed to provide members of the Filipino community in Brunei an overview of the role of an architect and the services offered by an architect. It also aimed to provide relevant and practical information on laws governing the practice of architecture as well as housing related concerns such as building permit application and housing loans available to OFW.

The public forum was divided into two sections – Part 1 Value of an Architect and Services of an Architect, and Part 2 Government Housing Loans for OFWs. The first section focused on the value and services of an architect where three of the UAP Brunei Chapter members each presented their topics. Ar. MariletteBalderrama gave an inspiring presentation on The Value of an Architect, followed by Ar. Alan Filio who presented The Services of an Architect, especially focusing on Regular Design Service and Design-Build Service, while Ar. MariousAnyayahan gave an in-depth presentation of The Appicable Laws on the Practice of Architecture, and Building Permit Requirements and Application. A moderated forum and group discussion followed all presentations to answer questions from the audience which covered from the cost of hiring an architect, collaboration with other building industry professionals, design requirements such as fengshui and many others.

Invocation by Architect Amelito De Sena at the opening of the forum.

Welcoming remarks by Mr. Pete Raymond V. Delfin, Charge d’ Affaires, Philippine Embassy in Brunei

Forum Moderator Architect Dominic N. Cordova.

Topic 1 - Value of an Architect: Architect Marilette D. Balderrama, discussed that the architects are there to design for the specific needs and wants of the clients, provide creative design solutions considering building codes and zoning laws. Architects can help you by saving your time & money because a well-conceived project can be built more efficiently and economically.

Topic 2 - Services of an Architect: Architect Alan F. Filio, gave a crash course on the services that an architect can offer. Two of the most common servicesdiscussed in detail were Regular Design Services (UAP Doc 202)and the Design-Build Services (UAP Doc 207). Regular Design Services is where the Architect acts as the Owner’s/Client’s/Proponent’s adviser and/or representative. The architect translates the Owner’s needs and requirements to spaces & forms.The second one is the Design-Build Services (UAP Docs 207) where the Architect takes a direct role in the project, from conceptualization to implementation, simplifies and expedites the process of project delivery while providing creative & cost-effective solutions, the Architect assumes responsibility and civil liability for both the design and construction of the project.

Topic 3 – Applicable Laws, Building Permit Requirements and Processing: Architect Marious C. Anyayahan, presented the applicable laws on the practice of architecture and provided a guided-tour on the requirements needed and the processes of securing a Building Permit in compliance to Presidential Decree No. 1096 (PD No.1096) National Building Code of the Philippines. Rule III Sec 301.

Moderated forum after the presentation

The second part of the forum was focused on government housing loans available to OFWs available through government agencies Pag-IBIG Fund and SSS. Brunei Representative for Pag-IBIG Fund Ms. Edna Penahermosa gave a detailed presentation of the housing loan available through the said agency as well as other benefits and services Pag-IBIG members can avail. Brunei Representative for Social Security System Ms. Joy-Ann Cabadingdelivered an informative presentation on the services and benefits SSS members can avail as well as housing loan available through SSS. Another moderated forum and group discussion followed after the presentation to answer questions from the audience relating to housing loans.

Ms. Edna C. Peñahermoso from Pag-IBIG Fundduring her presentation

Ms. Joy-Ann E. Cabading from Social Security System (SSS)during her presentation

Open forum after the Pag-IBIG Fund and SSS presentations to answer audience questions.

Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation by Architect Reynaldo “Rey” Ramos – UAP Brunei Chapter President.From left to right: Mr. Pete Raymond Delfin, Charge d’ Affaires, Philippine Embassy in Brunei,Architect Dominic N. Cordova (Forum Moderator), Architect Marilette D. Balderrama (Speaker No.1),Architect Alan F. Filio (Speaker No. 2), Architect Marious “Jojo” C. Anyayahan (Speaker No. 3), Ms. Edna C. Peñahermoso from Pag-IBIG Fund, Ms. Joy-Ann E. Cabading from Social Security System (SSS), Mr. RudolfoP. Adducul – President of Filipino Association in Brunei and Architect Rodrigo M. Lopez Jr (CPD Monitor).

After the forum proper, UAP Brunei Chapter President Ar. Rey Ramos presented Certificates of Appreciation to our distinguished guests including Mr. Pete RamondDelfin, Charge d’ Affaires of the Philippine Embassy in Brunei as well as to our esteemed speakers in appreciation for their valuable contribution to the success of the public forum.

The event commenced with a fellowship lunch at the Philippine Embassy in Brunei.


By Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos

In parrallel event with ourPhilippine "National Architecture Week". (NAW)UAP Brunei Chapterconceptualized this program five (5) months ago after our KALIG-ON inDavao, to implement in action the directive "let architecture be known to the public".

In collaboration with our:

1. Charge d' Affaires a.i. Consul General Pete Raymond V. Delfin and the whole embassy staff.

2. Brunei Representative from SSS Ms. Joy-ann Cabading.

3. Brunei Representative from PAG-IBIGFundMs. Edna C. Penahermosa

4. FILIPINO ASSOCIATION BRUNEI (FAB) President Mr. Rodolfo Adducul

Note: There are eighteen (18) official organization in Brunei under the FAB.

We make a study on how UAP Brunei Chapter and its membership could contribute to our kababayans, Overseas Foreign Workers (OFW) in Brunei.There are approximately 18,000 Overseas Filipino Workers (OWF) presently working and residing in Brunei Darussalam as teachers, Nurses, Engineers, Accountants, Managers, Supervisors, Architects, Draftsmen, Drivers, Sales ladies, Waitresses, Technicians, Domestic service workers, Carpenters, Electricians, Skilled workers, Labourers, and others.

Most of these individual/families are working/living here in Brunei for ages.Some are 2 years, some are 30 years and they are dreaming of having a simple house for their families.(Bubong sa ulo para sa kanilang mga mahal sa buhay).But they do not know where to go and how to do it.

I am in Brunei since 1982 and practicing Architecture for past 36 years now, I know and understand the sentiment, sacrifices of our OFW's kababayans who work hard and most of them are looking forward to give a modest home for their families.

Introducing: "Kabayan, sa Arkitekto Sigurado"is the answer to their long awaited queries.


What we have done is to create an OPEN FORUM with our OFW kababayans.We introduced three (3) topics were explained by our distinguished senior Chapter members.The topics are:

1. VALUE OF AN ARCHITECTby: Ar Marilette D.Balderrama




The second part of the program was highlighted by SSS and PAG-IBIG FUND HOUSING LOAN representatives to explain how and what are needed for applying housing loans and other related issues.

This program seeks to enlighten our kababayans working here in Brunei.The program was held in the Philippine Embassy Brunei on 02 December 2018 (Sunday) from 8:30am to 12:00noon. Lunch was served care of UAP Brunei Chapter.

Based on our record,United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) have morethan 42,000 registered Architects and probably 20,000 are in good standing.This is a "Golden Opportunity" to all of us as Architects to be involved actively, united for our common goals in terms ofcomitment and dedication in serving Humanity in our own ways.

We believe thatour mission here could serve the best intention in regards to our common cause and part as our contribution as

UAP Architects.

Mabuhay ang UAP!

Mabuhay ang Arkitektong Filipino!

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