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8th General Membership Meeting for FY2018-2019

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter (UAP BN) held their Eight GMM for the FY 2018-2019

at North Star Sdn Bhd Office last 8th February 2019 (Friday).

Invocation led by Ar. Amelito De Sena.

After the scrumptious dinner Ar. Reynaldo "Rey" Ramos - UAP/BN Chapter President and Ar. Yolito Amante - Director of Committee on Membership together Ar. Jonathan A. Amado & Ar. Jennifer F. Pardilla-Gloria officiated the Chapter Election for the New Set of Officers for FY2019-2020.

Elected members with their corresponding position are the following:

 Dominic N. Cordova – President

 Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria – VP for Programs & Development

 Christheart Anthony B. Corral – VP for Operations

 Romeo J. Nabong II – Secretary

 Orville J. Dulce – Treasurer

 Albert M. Abarintos - Auditor

Ar. Dominic N. Cordova – elected Chapter President for FY 2019-2020, delivering his acceptance speech and thanking the membership for the opportunity entrusted to him.

Ar. Charles Lyndsey N. Gloria – elected Chapter Vice President for Programs & Development FY 2019-2020, on his second term gave a gracious thank you speech for the continued support of the membership.

Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II running unopposed for his 3rd term was elected as Chapter Secretary FY 2019-2020, overwhelmed with gratitude delivered his acceptance speech and praising the members for their support.

Ar. Orville Dulce - UAP/BN Chapter Treasurer presented the current Financial Report as of 01 February 2019.

Ar. Pedro "Jun" Fontanilla - Director of Committee on Education showcased the Proposed Bowling Fun Day in conjunction with the UAP Founding Anniversary this coming March 2019.

Ar. Charles Gloria - UAP/BN Chapter Vice President for Programs & Development presented the upcoming CSR Activity in collaboration with Smarter Brunei which will be spearheaded by Committee on Membership.

Each Committee to present a Mural Design Proposal by next GMM.

Ar. Reynaldo "Rey" Ramos - UAP/BN Chapter President discussed the Memorandum Circular No.21 UAP Amnesty Program for delinquent chapter members may comply until 30th June 2019, Chapter Members overseas may apply to the said Amnesty Program.

Ar. Yolito Amante - Director of Committee on Membership updated the membership regarding the status of the PRC ID Renewals which he is closely following-up with UAP HQ.

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