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35th Brunei National Day

Standing from L-R: Ar. Pedro L. Fontanilla Jr., Director for Committee on Education, Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos, Chapter President, Ar. Orville J. Dulce, Chapter Treasurer, Ar. Albert M. Abarintos, Chapter Auditor, Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Chapter Secretary and Ar. Yolito I. Amante, Director for Committee on Membership. Not in Photo: Ar. Jonald C. Catapang

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter has participated in the annual parade for the celebration of the35th Brunei’s National Day heldon23rd February 2019, Saturday. The Chapter was part of the Philippine Embassy contingent that is composed of different Filipino organizations(professional and non-professional) registered under the Chancery.

Since its foundingin 2014, the Chapter has then consistently participating in this annual parade in show of support to the Philippine Embassy in representation to the Filipino community as a way of great appreciation to Brunei Darussalam for hosting the 29,000 strong Filipinos working and residing in the Sultanate.

Prior to the actual day of parade, several rehearsals were performed by the participating Filipinos inside the Philippine Embassy premises to ensure the proper marching. The Philippine Embassy was very thankful to all the Filipinos participated in the parade and is looking forward for another successful contingent next year.

The assembly time set by the Philippine Embassy was 6:00 AM while the actual parade for the Philippine contingent has started at around 10:00 AM.

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