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UAP Brunei participates with the Fire Prevention and Beach Safety Seminar

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter led by its Chapter President Ar, Reynaldo M. Ramos has attended the seminar entitled “Fire Prevention and Beach Safety Seminar” last 31 March 2019 upon the kind invitation from the Cultural Office of the Philippine Embassy in Brunei Darussalam. Accordingly, the seminar aims to provide information and useful tips on fire prevention and beach safety especially in the month of April which is “Fire Prevention Month” in Brunei calendar, and also when most families are enjoying the beach during the school holidays. Prior to official opening of the seminar, a short but meaningful opening remarks was delivered by Mr. Pete Raymond V. Delfin, Charge d’ Affaires of the Philippine Embassy. During the seminar, all foreign workers their families and students residing in the Sultanate shall also be informed and be part of the awareness campaign by the Brunei government as stressed by Act. ASFR AndiKarmillaWatyBteHjAbdKarim, BFRD Public Relations Officer.

After the seminar, the attendees went outside the embassy buildingfor the beach safety and fire extinguisher demonstration which was been conducted by ASO MdFirdaus bin HjYusof, BFR Driver Unit and RizanLatif, president of Beach Bunch.

The event has started at 9:00 AM and ended at around 12:00 NOON. Refreshments courtesy from PEB has followed afterwards.

CDA Pete Raymond V. Delfin while delivering his opening remarks

Some of the attendees from different Filipino Organizations.

ASO MdFirdaus bin HjYusof, BFR Driver Unit while doing the fire extinguisher demonstration.

Act. ASFR AndiKarmillaWatyBteHjAbdKarim, BFRD Public Relations Officer receiving the certificate of appreciation from CDA Pete Raymond V. Delfin.

Mr.RizanLatif, President of Beach Bunchreceiving the certificate

of appreciation from CDA Pete Raymond V. Delfin.

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