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A Technical Product Presentation about Expanded Perlite by Engr. Enrico Nera

12 Chapter members from the United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapterled by its outgoing Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos has attended the technical product presentation entitled“Expanded perlite and its applications in construction, petrochemical refineries and power plants” conducted by Engr. Enrico C. Nera. The short seminar was held at Northstar Office, JalanTutong, Brunei Darussalam last 07 May 2019.An excerpt from the resource speaker: “Expanded perlite, which is for the most part distributed in the domestic market, is mainly used in the construction sector as natural material with excellent thermal and sound isolative properties. In general terms, expanded perlite is righteously described as a “future material” since its physical properties offer great potential and it can be used in a variety of new applications related to the protection of the environment and to the saving of the very valuable today, energy”

The seminar was made possible upon the invitation from Mr. Joffrey Bumatay, Managing Director for Northstar Development Sdn Bhd. In attendance also were some members of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE-B) led by its Chapter President, Engr. Antonio P. De Vera.

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