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UAP Brunei - CPD Seminar: Introduction to Mosque Architecture & Design by Ar.Wario C. Tacbad

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter (UAP BN) held their CPD Seminar entitled "Introduction to Mosque Architecture & Design”at the North Star Sdn Bhd Office

on 16th June 2019, Sunday.

Ar. Amelito R. De Sena delivered the invocation before the start of the CPD Seminar.

It was followed by welcome remarks from Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos

Chapter Auditor Ar. Albert M. Abarintos introduced the CPD Speaker Architect Wario "Jigs" C. Tacbad.

Ar. Wario "Jigs" C. Tacbad took the membership through an intricate visual presentation on theIntroduction of Mosque Architecture and Design, citing the early history, function and its socio-cultural context of the Mosque and giving the membership the aspects to consider in designing a Mosque, from the "Qiblat" in relation the Site and Building, Capacity for the Male and Female prayer, Hierarchy and Style.

In addition, Ar. Tacbad tackled the General Design Features of Mosque Architecture, from Prayer Hall, Ablution, Mihrab, Minaret, Courtyard, Dome, Public Areas and Ornamentation. To further enlighten the members, Ar. Tacbad presented some Project Samples and entertained a brief Question and Answer segment.

This CPD Seminar was organized by the Committee on Professional Development, led by its Director Ar. Francis D. Nicdao.

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