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12th GMM & Fiscal Year End Celebration

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter (UAP BN) held their 12th General Membership Meeting at Bee Hwa Restaurant Function Hall, Batu Bersurat, Brunei Darussalam on 22nd June 2019, Saturday.

Ar. Kelly L. Tajonera - Incoming Committee of Education Director, delivered a brief

invocation before the start of the 12th GMM and Fiscal Year-End.

Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos awarded the Certificate of Appreciation to

Ar. Wario "Jigs" C. Tacbad as a resource speaker for the recently concluded CPD Seminar.

Chapter President Ar. Reynaldo M. Ramos enumerated and briefly discussed to the members the activities that the Chapter has accomplished from the month of January to June 2019. A total of 44 Chapter Activities for FY2018-19 were acknowledged by UAP National.

Ar.Dulce - Chapter Treasure presented the Financial Report as of 01 June 2019.

It was noted that the closing of Financial Report shall be done next month.

A Surprise Birthday Cake was presented to June celebrants in attendance

and for those who weren't able join.

The Awarding of Winners for the Family Day 2019, was announced during the 12th GMM by Committee on Membership, awarding was led by Ar.Jonathan Amado and Ar.Jennefer Pardilla-Gloria.

On behalf of the Incoming UAP Chapter President Ar.Dominic Cordova, VPPD Ar.Charles Gloria informed the members in advance the priority tasks that the incoming BOD has to undertake in the first GMM for FY2019-2020 scheduled on 12th July 2019.

A fellowship dinner followed the GMM proper to celebrate the bountiful year the Chapter has embarked on in the Fiscal Year 2018-2019. It was a memorable night with friends, laughter and great food.

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