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UAP Brunei Holds 1st General Membership Meeting for FY2019-2020

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their First General Membership Meeting for FY2019-2020 last 12 July 2019 at Northstar Office, Simpang 584, Jalan Tutong, Brunei Darussalam. Led by its Incoming Chapter President, Arch. Dominic N. Cordova, the chapter has mainly discussed the upcoming 5th Chapter Anniversary and Induction Ceremony that is scheduled on 12 September 2019. In relation to the induction ceremony, the chapter has also selected its location for the photoshoot wherein those pictures that will be taken will appear in the chapter yearbook souvenir that will be distributed during the induction. During the meeting, the membership has also voted for the winning chapter shirt design entries that were presented by each committee.

On the earlier part of the meeting, Arch. Dominic N. Cordova, Chapter President did mention about the experiences he had during the Chapter President’s Pre-Inaugural event held in Manila, Philippines last 29-30 June 2019 and shared some valuable information to the membership.

The meeting started at 7:45PM and ended at around 9:37 PM.

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