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UAP Brunei Holds 2nd General Membership Meeting for Fy2019-2020

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their Second General Membership Meeting for FY2019-2020 last 09 August 2019 at Jollibee Kilanas, Jalan Tutong, Brunei Darussalam. Led by its Chapter President, Arch. Dominic N. Cordova, the chapter has updated the membership regarding the upcoming 5th Chapter Anniversary and Induction Ceremony that is scheduled on 12 September 2019. Meanwhile, Ar. Christheart Anthony B. Corral, Chapter VP for Operations has also presented before the membership the projected fiscal year budget on all the chapter activities that it will undertake for the whole fiscal year. On the other hand, Ar. Albert M. Abarintos, Chapter Auditor did present as well regarding the 5th Chapter Anniversary that is scheduled on 24 August 2019. At the end of the meeting, the Committee on Education headed by Ar. Kelly L. Tajonera has distributed the new chapter shirt to the delight of the chapter members.

Prior to the meeting proper, Ar. Dominic N. Cordova, Chapter President has reported about the past activities for the month of July 2019 as part of his duties to the membership.

The meeting started at 7:35PM and ended at around 8:30 PM.

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