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BOD Holds 4th Meeting for FY2019-2020

The Chapter Board of Directors for FY2019-2020 convened for its fourth meeting last 17 September 2019 at Starbucks Beribi, Jalan Gadong, Brunei Darussalam. The agenda of the meeting was to discuss the recently held 5th Chapter Induction. Among the important items discussed were the positive and some negative remarks and observation that had occur during the event. These unforeseen circumstances may serve as the basis to enable the Chapter to make improvement in the next fiscal year’s Induction. Another item in the agenda was about the upcoming World Architecture Day 2019 in October. Leading this significant activity is Ar. Jonathan J. Amado, Committee Director for External Affairs upon the guidance and collaboration with Ar. Christheart Anthony B. Corral, Chapter VP for Operations. The agreed schedule will be on 13 October that will happen together with the 4th General Membership Meeting. Further details for this activity has still to be finalized e.g. mechanics and will inform the membership once available. Other items in the agenda was the architectural clinic in line with the UAP Get An Architect Campaign that will push through alongside the consular services conducted by PEB agencies in cooperation with the Philippine Embassy in Brunei

The meeting started at around 7:25PM and ended at 9:45PM. The meeting was presided by Ar. Dominic N. Cordova, Chapter President.

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