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UAP Brunei Holds 3rd General Membership Meeting for FY2019-2020

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their Third General Membership Meeting for FY2019-2020 last 06 September 2019 at JollibeeKilanas, Jalan Tutong, Brunei Darussalam. Led by its Incoming Chapter President, Arch. Dominic N. Cordova, the chapter has mainly discussed in finalizing the details for the upcoming 5th Chapter Anniversary and Induction Ceremony that is scheduled on 12 September 2019. Aside from induction ceremony subject, the chapter did also voted for the proposed chapter newsletter name and design. The winning entry was from Ar. Eric S.J. De Castro. Other entries were from Ar. Albert M. Abarintos, Ar. Kelly L. Tajonera, Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Ar. Heric B. Nicdao and Ar. Kirby V. Cordova. Finally, the EXTAFF Committee had presented before the membership their initial plans for the upcoming World Architecture Day 2019 in October. Further details and mechanics of this significant event have still to be ironed-out and then will inform the membership on the matter once available.

On the earlier part of the meeting, Arch. Dominic N. Cordova, Chapter President did report about the past chapter activities for the month of August that were duly submitted and acknowledged by the UAP Secretariat. On the other hand, Ar. Orville J. Dulce, Chapter Treasurer presented the Financial Report as of 01 September as well.

Ar. Albert M. Abarintos, Chapter Auditor served as the moderator during the meeting. The meeting has started at 7:36PM and ended at around 8:49PM

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