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Incoming EB Holds First Meeting

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter Incoming Executive Board held their first pre-planning meeting at Starbucks Beribi, Brunei Darussalam last 16 February 2020. Chapter President-elect Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II has chaired the short meeting with the presence of Chapter VP for Programs & Development-elect Ar. Albert M. Abarintos, Chapter VP for Operations -elect Ar. Orville J. Dulce, Chapter Secretary-elect Ar. Heric B. Nicdao, Chapter Treasurer-elect Ar. Eric S.J. De Castro and Chapter Auditor-elect Ar. Gilbert C. Sicat.

The group has mainly discussed its initial strategies, approaches and services that it will offer to the membership in the incoming fiscal year.

The meeting has started at 7:45 PM and ended at around 10:00 PM.

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