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5th Free Architectural Consultation at PEB

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter recently conducted its fifth free architectural consultation services at the Philippine Embassy last 08 March 2020. Manning the chapter booth this time was the Executive Board led by Ar. Dominic N. Cordova, Chapter President. Together with the Chapter President were other members of the executive board namely, Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, Ar. Orville J. Dulce and Ar. Albert M. Abarintos. As usual, the chapter members has accommodated queries from OFWs about building their own dream houses, building permit procedures, house estimates among others.

Prior start of the Sunday consular services, a short seminar with regards to “”Safeguarding the Rights of Women in the Workplace” was conducted by the Philippine Embassy in conjunction to the celebration of International Women’s Day.

The free architectural consultation normally starts at 11:00AM and shall end at 3:00 PM.

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