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BOD Holds 11th Meeting

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter recently held their eleventh board of director’s (BOD) meeting for the fiscal year 2019-2020 last 01 May 2020, Friday. The meeting was conducted via SKYPE.

Presided over by Ar. Dominic N. Cordova, Chapter President, the chapter has mainly discussed about the upcoming general membership meeting no. 11. The agenda for the meeting will focus to know more about the current state of every chapter members whether by personal situation and work or employment status due to the pandemic. The chapter will be willing to assist and help any chapter members that may be affected by the crisis. On the other hand, VPPD Ar. Charles was requested to come up with a poster related to the title “Online Kumustahan and Balitaan” that shall be posted to UAP BN whatsapp groupchat once available.

At the latter part of the meeting, the incoming board led by CS Ar. Romy has make an announcement with regards to chapter shirt design contest and advance information for IAPOA and Chapter Dues FY2020-2021 collection. All info on this matter will be posted in due time.

The meeting has started at around 7:42 PM and adjourned at 8:29 PM.

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