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Panunumpa 2020 : Induction for Incoming NBD and CPs

UAP Brunei Chapter Incoming Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II has been formally inducted to assume the chapter president position by the UAP National Board of Directors led by newly-inducted UAP National President Ar. Renato Heray last 30 June 2020 via Zoom. Alongside with him taking their Oath of office were incoming chapter presidents from the Area B & B3 District family.

Ar. Romy will serve UAP Brunei Chapter for the fiscal year 2020-2021 in its 6th year of existence.

He will be fifth chapter president of UAP Brunei since its inception in 2014.

The induction ceremony kicked-off with a mass at around 8:30 AM and ended at around 7:00 PM.

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