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UAP Brunei Incoming BOD Holds First New Normal Planning Session & Meeting

The Incoming Chapter Board of Directors for FY2020-2021 managed to meet while observing strict Covid-19 protocols set by the Ministry of Health, Brunei last 23rd June 2020 to discuss and plan all the important chapter events and activities that the Chapter would propose to its membership in the coming new fiscal year. Among essential matters discussed are the UAP National Protocols that can be enacted to suit the type of membership the Chapter has, the upcoming new normal for the succeeding General Membership Meetings to keep the members informed, the New Chapter Shirt and Yearbook FY2020 that will include the much awaited Annual Chapter Photo consisting the UAP Brunei and the UAP Brunei Graduate Auxiliary.

Incoming Committee Directors were also given the green light to assembly their team that will be up and running by this week. Committees Directors were briefed with the upcoming activities

Incoming Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, assures the BOD & Membership that the chapter will adhere to the UAP National Board directives and with the UAP Fiscal Year 2020-2021 theme: Corporate Thrusts – Noble Leadership. Good Governance and Members First.

In the end of the day, the main objective of the BOD is to unify and hear the voices of the members for the fiscal year 2020-2021. With the esteemed & loyal chapter members supporting the Organization, the chapter will surely see the successful implementation of its important and innovative programs.

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