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UAP Brunei's 6th Chapter Yearbook Photo Shoot FY 2020-2021

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter met up at Taman Makhota Jublis Emas (its Malay name means ‘Golden Jubilee Crown Park) which is a riverfront public park situated in the heart of the Capital – Bandar Seri Begawan. The park was inaugurated on 22 October 2017 in conjunction with the Golden Jubilee of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah’s accession to the throne as the 29th and current Sultan of Brunei.

Even with the unpredictable weather from high tropical humidity to rain looming behind the scene the Chapter soldiered on with the activity. The photos taken will be featured in the Chapter Yearbook to be distributed this 24th August 2020, in conjunction with the Chapter’s 6th Founding Anniversary.

Mr. Herlibon B. Nicdao, a member of the UAP Brunei Graduate Auxiliary was commissioned to do the photo shoot, having done so for the past 4 years for the Chapter

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