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Courtesy Visits conducted by the Incoming BOD to Senior UAP Brunei Chapter Members

The Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Officers took the opportunity to meet up with the remaining batch of Esteemed Senior Chapter Members to politely present to them the plans and programs schedule by the Executive Board.

From left to right: Chapter Secretary – Arch. Heric B. Nicdao, Chapter Vice President on Operations – Arch. Orville J. Dulce, Arch. Amelito R. de Sena (Senior Chapter Member), Chapter President – Arch. Romeo “Romy” J. Nabong II and Chapter Vice President on Programs & Development – Arch. Albert M. Abarintos .

Location: Kayu Restaurant, Beribi Complex, Brunei Darussalam

Date: 9th July 2020 (Thursday)

From left to right: Chapter Secretary – Arch. Heric B. Nicdao, Chapter President – Arch. Romeo “Romy” J. Nabong II, Arch. Noel R. Consular (Senior Chapter Member), Chapter Vice President on Operations – Arch. Orville J. Dulce, Chapter Vice President on Programs & Development – Arch. Albert M. Abarintos and Chapter Treasurer – Arch. Eric S.J. de Castro.

Location: Kayu Restaurant, Beribi Complex, Brunei Darussalam

Date: 10th July 2020 (Friday)

From left to right: Arch. Allan B. David, Chapter Vice President on Operations – Arch. Orville J. Dulce, Chapter Vice President on Programs & Development – Arch. Albert M. Abarintos, Chapter President – Arch. Romeo “Romy” J. Nabong II, Arch. Marious “Jojo” C. Anyayahan (Senior Chapter Member) and Chapter Secretary – Arch. Heric B. Nicdao.

Location: Ane Rasa-ku Chinese Restaurant, Beribi Complex, Brunei Darussalam

Date: 15th July 2020 (Friday)

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