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UAP Brunei Chapter Second General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their Second General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021 last 07 August 2020.

The 2nd GMM in partnership with Northstar Sdn Bhd was held at Simpang 584, Jalan Tutong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam. Led by its Incoming Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH updated the membership with the activities and task accomplished during the month of July 2020.

During the first part of the GMM, Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH gave a quick recap on the task and activities completed by the Chapter during the past month, the First Physical GMM for FY2020-2021 which was successfully done, thanks to the quick action of the Ministry of Health in curbing the pandemic.

After this CP Arch. Romy presented to the membership the last round of Courtesy Calls to UAP Brunei Chapter Advisers, namely: Arch. Amelito R. de Sena, Architect Noel R. Consular and Architect Marious C. Anyayahan. It was followed by the showcasing of the recently held Yearbook Photoshoot held at the Taman Mahkota Jubli Emas, the park inaugurated in conjunction with the Golden Jubilee of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.

CP Arch. Romy called for a special meeting to discuss the upcoming Virtual Induction, Chapter shirt Production and assembled a team designated to handle the 6th Chapter Yearbook which will be presented during the 6th Founding Anniversary of the 135th Chapter. The Board of Directors held a separate photo shoot at the Empire Brunei last 19th July 2020.

Immediately after the Chapter President’s Report, Architect Eric S.J. de Castro – Chapter Treasurer FY2020-2021 discussed with the membership the Current Financial Report (as of 05 August 2020). CT Arch.Eric also mentioned the remaining collectibles for the Chapter.

On the Second Part, CP Arch. Romy informed the membership about the much awaited first Virtual Induction Ceremony of Officers and New Member, this event shal be hosted by UAP National and attended by Notable Guest from the Architecture Profession.

Vice President on Programs and Development – Architect Albert M. Abarintos mentioned the upcoming events for the Chapter and he has encourage the members to clear up their calendars and support the activities. Below are the Activities line-up for the month of August and September.

Courtesy Call Visit to The Filipino Association Negara Brunei Darussalam

FA Office - Serusop

17th August 2020 – 7:00pm

Courtesy Call Visit with Philippine Ambassador

Philippine Embassy Brunei

21st August 2020 – 4:00pm

Virtual Induction Rehearsal at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd

21st August 2020 – 7:00pm (To be moved by 19th August 2020 – 7:00pm)

UAP Brunei Chapter Virtual Induction at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd

22nd August 2020 – 6:30pm

UAP Brunei Chapter 6th Founding Anniversary at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd

24th August 2020 – 7:00pm

BOD Meeting No. 3 at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd

28th August 2020 – 7:00pm

GMM No 3 at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd

4th September 2020 – 7:00pm

Tree Planting Activity – Spearheaded by Committee on Professional Development

27th September 2020 (Sunday) – Details in the Works as discussed by Arch. Marious "Jojo' C. Anyayahan.

During the last part of the GMM, AOB Session, Immediate Past Chapter President Ar. Dominic N. Cordova updated the Membership that UAP Brunei Chapter currently holds two (2) positions in the Asia Pacific Council which are the following, APC Vice Chairman Ar. Alan F. Filio & APC Director Ar. Dominic N. Cordova.

IPP Ar. Dominic will also inform the BOD regarding the outcome and decisions finalized during APC Board Meeting, the Membership to be informed during GMMs.

In addition, IPP also mentioned that by next year UAP Brunei Chapter will hold the position of Asia Pacific Council Chairmanship, with this being said, UAP Brunei Chapter will be tasked in preparing for the Next Asia Pacific Summit 2021. IPP, BOD and the whole Chapter will coordinate in preparation of this International Summit.

Closing remarks delivered by our Vice President on Operations, Arch. Orville J. Dulce.

The General Membership Meeting started at around 7:35 PM and ended at 10: 09 PM.

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