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UAP Brunei Attends 46th UAP NATCON Virtual Conference

The 46th UAP National Convention (Virtual) was held last 21 to 24 April 2021 and conducted for the first time in NATCON history via Zoom platform. The non-face to face convention was necessary to comply with the recent pandemic extremely affecting the Philippines.

Chapter delegates from UAP Brunei were Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II (Chapter President), Ar. Albert M. Abarintos (VP for Programs & Development), Ar. Heric B. Nicdao (Chapter Secretary), Ar. Eric S.J. de Castro (Chapter Treasurer) and Ar. Francis D. Nicdao (Director for Committee on CPD).

Day 0 (21 April)

The main activity on this day was the Chapter President’s Assembly that was attended by CP Ar. Romy. Other activities were the Tripartite Network Meeting “Future-Proofing the Philippine Architecture Education, NBD Meeting

And CODHASP Annual Business Meeting and General Assembly.

Day 1 (22 April)

CPD Cluster 1 (Speakers were Ar. Shyrene Perez-Sala from Hongkong and Ar. Cathy Saldana from The Philippines), UAP Convocation of Fellows, Parangal and Welcome Night

Day 2 (23 April)

The main highlight of this day was the Annual National Awards given by UAP National in recognition to the Chapter based locally and abroad for their outstanding activities that has made significant impact to the community/society, the coveted outstanding Chapter and the individual awards. For the second time in a row, the Chapter has bagged two major awards which are the Outstanding Chapter (Foreign-Based Group III) and Outstanding Chapter President (Foreign-Based Group III). Aside from these two awards, the Chapter had bid for 6 Meritorious awards and the Outstanding Member (Foreign-Based Group III).

Other activities held during this day CPD Cluster 1 & 2 (Speakers were Ar. Matthew Davis, Ar. Adrien Mans from USA from Belgium and Ar. Robert Mirafuente from The Philippines) and Archinext Awards. It was announced that due to current lockdown in Quezon City, UAP COMELEC has postponed the canvassing for the National Elections. It will resume on 19 May 2021 as per advisory.

Day 3 (24 April)

The main programme was the Arki-Spotlight, UAP Conferment of Emeritus Members, CPD Cluster 3 (Speakers were Ar. Theodore Chan & Ar. Lam KheePoh both from Singapore), Annual Business Meeting Culminating CPD seminars, Runkitek 2 Presentation and Fellowship night.

It was indeed a 4 day worth of activities and high praise for the organizing committee for a job well done.

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