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UAP Brunei attends Handover Ceremony of Wall Mural Painting at Pusat Ehsan Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Mari

UAP Brunei Chapter Members posed for a group photo with (L-R) Dato Paduka Dr Haji Omar bin Haji Khalid, Education Trustee of Pusat Ehsan Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam Mr. Low Ah Hai, Principal of LAH Consultants and Advisor to Pusat Ehsan and some of the teaching staff.

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter has recently handovered its completed wall mural painting to Pusat Ehsan School located in Kg. Bengkurong, Brunei Darussalam last 27 November 2020. The volunteer wall mural painting was undertaken by the Committee on Professional Development headed by Ar. Francis D. Nicdao in collaboration with Pusat Ehsan School and generous assistance from LAH Consultants. For its effort and volunteerism, UAP Brunei has received a certificate of appreciation from Pusat Ehsan. On the other hand, the chapter has given Dato Dr. Hj Omar a sixth edition of the chapter yearbook.

The UAP Brunei Chapter is committed to contributing not only to the Filipino community but to the Brunei society as well thru its CSR activities.

The quick handover has started at 10:30 AM and ended at around 11:15 AM and was covered by Radio Televesyen Brunei (RTB) media.

The group has been toured around the school facilities by Mr. Low afterward.

Written by: RJNII

Photos by: Arch. Dulce

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