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UAP Brunei BOD Meeting No.11 for FY2020-2021

The Board of Directors & Executive Board conducted a meeting for the aforementioned General Membership Meeting, held last 7th of May 2021 at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd.

It was decided during the BOD to schedule GMM No.11, 23rd May 2021 (Sunday), to be held at Temburong Brunei as a Family Day Celebration, members to carpool and drive to the destination using the newly constructed bridge. In the earlier years Temburong was only accessible using ferry and to travel by land means crossing the Malaysian Border with the current pandemic that would be impossible since the Sultanate closed its access to safeguard the citizens & foreigners alike residing in the Country. GMM No. 11 - The Road Trip to Temburong will be a half-day event, the membership will be able to immerse in the culinary expertise of the region.

The Chapter to formally partake in the Hannover Ceremony of the recently completed Pusat Ehsan Mural Painting at the Kitchen Block.

The event has started at around 7:30 PM and ended at around 9:30 PM.

Written by: hbn

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