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UAP Brunei Chapter Eighth General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their Eight General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021 last 19th February 2021 but was rescheduled to the 21st.

The 8th GMM in partnership with NorthstarSdnBhd was held at Simpang 584, JalanTutong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam.Led by its Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH updated the membership with the activities and task accomplished during the month of January & February 2021.

The first part of the GMM, Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH gave a quick recap on the task and activities completed by the Chapter during the past month.

Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, presenting to the members the Organization Pertinent Documents in compliance to the Registry Society Act of Brunei, submitted to and duly received by Filipino Association Brunei, dated 20th January 2021.

A video presentation was prepared by Aramal Elementary School, an elementary school at Baranggay Aramal, San Fabian, Pangasinan in appreciation of the Pamaskong Handog Regalo done by the Chapter last December 2020.

Chapter Treasurer Arch. Eric S.J. de Castro reporting the members the latest Financial Report as of 21st February 2021 (file to be emailed to UAP Brunei Chapter Members).

Nominees & Physical Attendees Votes / Online Votes Tally.

New Set of Chapter Officers for FY2021-2022 (from Left to Right)

Treasurer-elect: Ar. Gilbert C. Sicat, Secretary-elect: Ar. Heric B. Nicdao, VP Operations-elect: Ar. Francis D. Nicdao, President-elect: Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, VP Programs & Dev't.-elect: Ar. Marious C. Anyayahan, Auditor-elect: Ar. Claire D.G. Franco & Immediate Past President Ar. Dominic N. Cordova.

Chapter Vice President on Programs & Development Arch. Albert M. Abarintos presented to the Membership the upcoming events & activities by the Chapter for March & April 2021.

March 2021:

A.) BOD Meeting No. 9 – 19th

B.) Proposed Mural Painting at Pusat Ehsan Kitchen Block. (refer to item 3.3) Tentativ e date by the 2nd Week of March – To be part of the upcoming CSR Projects by the Chapter.

C.) GMM No. 9 & UAP Founding Anniversary – 26th

April 2021:

A.) BOD Meeting No.10 – 9th

B.) GMM No. 10 & Family Day – 16th

C.) UAP 46th National Convention – 22nd – 24th

During the Announcement segment, Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, presenting to the members the recently held Area B Assembly and the upcoming 46th UAP National Convention this April 2021.

The event has started at around 1:00PM and ended at around 4:00PM.

Written & Photos by: hbn

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