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UAP Brunei Chapter Fifth General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their Fifth General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021 last 6th November 2020.

The 5th GMM in partnership with Northstar Sdn Bhd was held at Simpang 584, JalanTutong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam. Led by its Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH updated the membership with the activities and task accomplished during the month of October 2020

Chapter Auditor Arch. Gilbert C Sicat, UAP (pictured second from the left) the moderator for the 5th General Membership Meeting during the singing of the National Anthem.

During the first part of the GMM, Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH gave a quick recap on the task and activities completed by the Chapter during the past month; GMM No.4 & World Architecture Day 2020 (09 October 2020), the Chapter Members joined the EAROPH Virtual World Congress 2020 (02-03 October 2020), Thanks Giving Dinner with Philippine Ambassador to Brunei – H.E. Mr. Christopher B. Montero (16 October 2020), National Conference of Architects (22-24 October 2020) where the Chapter won the Outstanding Foreign Chapter (Group 3) for the 4th Time, A 2-Session Sketchup Software Tutorial mentored by Arch. Allan B. David, UAP, EAROPH, Board of Directors Meeting (30 October 2020), Submission of Activity Reports under District B3 at NorthstarSdnBhd, Simpang 584, JalanTutong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Mr. Miguel de Guzman one of the UAP Graduate Auxiliary working in the Sultanate attended the GMM.

After the Chapter President’s Report, Arch. Criselda Boller-Cabalu led the membership in saying grace before the Thanksgiving dinner.

Immediately after the dinner, Architect Eric S.J. de Castro – Chapter Treasurer FY2020-2021 discussed with the membership the Current Financial Report (as of 6th November 2020). CT Arch.Eric also mentioned the remaining collectibles for the Chapter.

Proposed Mural Painting at Pusat Ehsan by Committee on Professional Development.

Arch. Francis D. Nicdao, Director of Committee on Professional Development invites all chapter members to participate and support the upcoming CSR Activity for Pusat Ehsan Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Mariam, a non-Government Charity Organization committed to providing quality education, rehabilitation, and training programs for individuals with special needs.

Date to be verified to accommodate other participating members. Dir.Arch. Francis to verify a suitable date. CS to update poster and post the sign-up in the UAP Brunei Group Chat. Snacks & Lunch to be provided for the volunteer chapter members, CT to release the allocated budget for the event. Painting material to be provided by Pusat Ehsan, Arch. Marious “Jojo” C. Anyayahan is currently coordinating with Pusat Ehsan.

Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II encourages the members to participate in the upcoming NAW Program headed by UAP Quezon City, the chapter being a partner of the said activity; titled Let’s Zoom In: A Closer Look at Singapore’s Architecture & Planning which will be held this 12th December 2020, 2:00 PM via Zoom Conferencing. As of 11th November, the chapter has 27 registered participants. The Chapter has contributed a 5,000 php funding for the program which is refundable if the chapter can meet the minimum number of attendees (15 Persons). CPD Points will be provided for this NAW Program. Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II also mentioned that this will be the first international partnership undertaken by the Chapter since its conception.

Volunteer Design Team for the Proposed Philippine Ambassador’s Residence.

Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II presented to the membership the volunteer design team for the aforementioned undertaking. The team was them divided into 2 Groups doing a Post-Colonial Bahay na Bato (headed by Arch. Rey Anthony I. Castillo, alongside Idr. Joji Languido-Castillo) & Pre-Colonial Torogan House (headed by Arch. Hernando J. Hautea, Jr.) proposal for the Ambassador Residence. The team will meet up with the Ambassador this coming 7th November 2020 at the Philippine Embassy for the Preliminary Design Presentation. Philippine Embassy to Brunei Darussalam to issue a Letter of Appointment to the Chapter in due course.

Filipino Association Brunei Darussalam MTV Shoot

With the currently on-going pandemic, FA held a T-shirt Design Competition in honor of the frontliners. The chapter was tapped to submit a design which was done by Arch. Albert M. Abarintos, our current Vice President on Programs & Development, which his design has won the competition.

FA has announced a music video shoot to be held this 15th November 2020, 9:00 AM onwards at Serasa Beach for the upcoming Salo-salo Together: Sa Pagtatapos ng Taon 2020 through Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II. T-Shirt to be worn during the music video shoot.

Chapter Vice President on Programs & Development Arch. Albert M. Abarintos presented to the Membership the upcoming events & activities by the Chapter for November, December & January 2020.

November 2020:

- FA MTV Shoot – 15th November at Serasa Beach

- Mural Painting at Pusat Ehsan – 15th November at Pusat Ehsan Lobby

December 2020:

- BOD Meeting – 1st December at Northstar Sdn Bhd

- FA Salo-salo Together: Sa Pagtatapos ng Taon 2020 – 4th December at Rizqun Hotel, Gadong.

- NAW - Kyusi Circle 3.0 (Let’s Zoom In: A Closer Look at Singapore’s Architecture & Planning) – 12th December via Zoom Conferencing

- GMM No. 6 & Year-end Party 2020 – 19th December (Saturday) date chosen via vote. Catering & Venue is currently being discussed. Committee on Internal Affairs to oversee the event.

January 2021:

- BOD Meeting No. 7 – 12th January (TBC) at Northstar Sdn Bhd

- GMM No. 7 / CPD Seminar – 15th January (TBC) at Northstar Sdn Bhd

UAP National / Area B3 Council UAP National / Area B3 Council

- Presidential Special Award of Merit given to UAP Brunei Chapter under the leadership of Arch. Dominic N. Cordova.

The awards were given in recognition of its CSR Project “Car Boot Sale Chapter Fund Raising Drive” spearheaded by the Committee on External Affairs, headed by Arch. Claire de Guzman-Franco and in recognition of promoting the profession by officially launching its Chapter Newsletter at the Philippine Embassy in Brunei last December 2019 & April 2020 headed by IPVPO Arch. Christheart Anthony B. Corral & Arch. Gilbert C. Sicat.

- The passing of Former Vice-Mayor (2004-2013) & Former NP (2016-2018), Arch. Guillermo “Guimo” H. Hisancha due to Liver Cancer last 24th October 2020.

- Regional District B3 – Third Council Meeting attended by Chapter Secretary Arch. Heric B. Nicdao, main items discussed during the meeting was the postponed approval of the UAP National Budget due to the suspension of the NBD Meeting, the collection of Chapter President nameplate by next week (shipping fees to be shouldered by UAP National), Oplan: Bangon Bicol - a relief donation drive organized by District B3 headed by District Director Arch. Romeo “Beboy” B. Vinco.

- Due to the immediate needs of the people in the Typhoon-stricken area, the donation is urgently needed, Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II asked the consensus of the membership in attendance on how to determine the amount for Chapter Donation, it was set to 10,000 php and it was agreed upon that it shall be taken from the Chapter Fund, and as the saying goes “If you are comfortable, you are called upon to give.” Chapter Treasurer Arch. Eric S.J. de Castro to assist in the remittance

- Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II also added that during the National Conference of Architect 2020: Pagbangon, the Dare to Share donation drive manage to raise around 400,000 php. The Chapter to nominate at least one (1) Member affected by the current pandemic as the recipient of the cash support assistance program from the donation drive.

FA Negara Brunei Darussalam

- Group Singing Contest: Themed “Pagkakaisa Laban sa Pandemya”. Chapter to tap Arch. Criselda Boller-Cabalu for the said contest.

- Bahay na Bato Themed Stage Backdrop Concept & Fabrication to be spearheaded by Dir. Arch. Yolito I. Amante and the Committee on Internal Affairs. BOD to assist.

Birthday Celebrants for the Month of November

9th – Arch. Christheart Anthony B. Corral

26th – Arch. Kevin O. Bacabis (Philippine-based)

28th – Arch. Yolito I. Amante


- Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II mentioned to the membership the NatCon 46 refund discussed during the NCA 2020, a cheque to be issued by the organizing committee to the Chapter in due course, CP is currently coordinating on the process.

- UAP National is currently assisting chapter members who are in good standing (accumulated from any chapter) for the past 10 year’s straight to apply for the College of Fellows accreditation

The event has started at around 7:15PM and ended at around 9:45PM.

Transcribed by: hbn

Photos by: hbn

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