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UAP Brunei Chapter Sixth General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021 & Year-end Party 2020

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their Sixth General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021 last 19th December 2020.

The 6th GMM in partnership with NorthstarSdnBhd was held at Simpang 584, JalanTutong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam.Led by its Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH updated the membership with the activities and task accomplished during the month of November 2020.

The first part of the GMM, Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH gave a quick recap on the task and activities completed by the Chapter during the past month; GMM No. 5 & Thanksgiving Dinner, FA MTV Shoot, Volunteer Mural Painting at Pusat Ehsan, Preliminary Design Presentation for PH Ambassador's Residence, Handover Ceremony of Pusat Ehsan Mural Painting, BOD Meeting No.6 & Northstar Sdn Bhd General Cleaning, Other Activities & the Chapter's Financial Report.

Financial Report (as of 19th December 2020)by the Chapter Auditor Arch. Gilbert C. Sicat.

Chapter Vice President on Programs & Development Arch. Albert M. Abarintos presented to the Membership the upcoming events & activities by the Chapter for January & February 2021.

January 2021:

- BOD Meeting No. 7 – 12th January (TBC) at Northstar Sdn Bhd

- GMM No. 7 / CPD Seminar – 15th January (TBC) at Northstar Sdn Bhd

February 2021:

- BOD Meeting No. 8 – 16th February (TBC) at Northstar Sdn Bhd

- GMM No. 8 / UAPBN Chapter Election – 16th February (TBC) at Northstar Sdn Bhd

Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II briefed the members with the upcoming UAP Annual Awards FY2020-2021, which will be submitted by 12th February 2021 at 5:00 PM.

Nominees for:

Outstanding New Member (Foreign-based)

Outstanding Member (Foreign-based)

Outstanding Chapter President (Foreign-based)

Meritorious Awards (Jan-Jun FY2019-20/ Jun-Dec FY2020-21)

An Ad hoc Committee to be assembles for the submission.

CP also added. Filipino Association Brunei is requesting the submission of Organization’s pertinent documents (2 sets to be printed) in compliance with the Societies Act 2005 – Deadline: 20 January 2021. And a copy of By-Laws, Name of Officers, Addresses & Contact Numbers, List of Members, Minutes of Executive Meetings and Financial Statements Duly Audited.

And part of the A.O.B. portion:

Handog Pamasko sa Eskwela – An Elementary School in Pangasinan shall be the beneficiary. A Voluntary Contribution to be collected until the next GMM. There was a total of 200$ contribution collected from the membership during GMM/christmas party. The said amount will be remitted by the Chapter to the school beneficiary in due course.

UAP Member’s Welfare Fund – As a part of UAP National’s Corporate Thrust, the welfare fund will extend to include fire, earthquake and typhoon calamities for the financial assistance of its members. Criteria’s to be posted in due course.

In addition, CP has mentioned that Ar Nayo has received an amount of 10k pesos as one of the beneficiary of the #DaretoShare project during the National Conference of Architects 2020.

There being no other items to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned around 8:45 PM and the United Architects of the Philippines – Brunei Chapter displayed their solidarity by holding its Year-end Party last 19th December 2020 at Northstar Sdn Bhd, STP Building, Spg. 584, Km. 7, Jln. Tutong, BSB, Brunei Darussalam.

Chapter President Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH formally opened the Year-end Ceremony and delivering his welcoming remarks, thanking the members for their presence. The Chapter celebrated the fun-filled activity with games & raffle for everyone’s enjoyment. GA’s , UAP members & their family has participated in the games as well. Another highlight was the presentation done by the Chapter for the recently held FA Salo-salo 2020 which was sung by Arch. Criselda Boller-Cabalu.

Moderators for the event were VPO Arch. Dulce & VPPD Arch. Albert M. Abarintos.

Ms. Sorella Soriano-Falaminiano receiving the Plaque of Appreciation from Filipino Association in Brunei Darussalam (FA) on behalf of together with Mr. Junjun James R. Janier UAPGA (not in the photo)

For winning the T-Shirt Design Competition – dedicated to all Frontliners battling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Lucky Raffle Prize Winners

Participants of the Peel the Kiss Game (Hershey's Kisses)

Participants & Winners of the Game Sukob

- A Guessing Game using names of local celebrities as their aliases. The team with the quickest synapses wins.

Participants & Winners of the What's the Number Game

- An Arrangement Game using a designated number for each player. To win each team needs agility & strategy to arrange themselves accordingly.

Arch. Criselda Boller-Cabalu singing her rendition of Pag-ibig sa Tinubuan Lupa, the song presented by the Chapter in the recently held FA Salo-salo Together 2020.

Participants & Winners of the Charades

- A Party staple Guessing Game.

The party has ended around 10:40 PM.

Written & Photos by: hbn

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