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UAP Brunei Chapter Tenth General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their Tenth General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021 last 16th April 2021.

The 10th GMM in partnership with NorthstarSdnBhd was held at Simpang 584, JalanTutong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam.Led by its Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH updated the membership with the activities and task accomplished during the month of March 2021.

The first part of the GMM, Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH gave a quick recap on the task and activities completed by the Chapter during the past month.

After the Chapter President’s report, the membership proceeded with the UAP National Elections for FY2021-2022 led by Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH. All of the National Boards position are unopposed except for the National Auditor position, candidates are Ar. Romeo Vinco – the incumbent District Director for B3 and Ar. Alberto Dumlao – incumbent District Director of A2a.

Followed by the PistangPinoy by the Philippine Embassy In conjunction with the 123rd Independence day, the Philippine Embassy will conduct a food/trades fair for the OFW's in Brunei. Each organization will be given a booth to represent the 13 Regions of the Country.

Chapter Vice President on Programs & Development Arch. Albert M. Abarintos presented to the Membership the upcoming events & activities by the Chapter for May & June 2021.

May 2021:

A.) BOD Meeting No. 11 – 11th

B.) GMM No. 11 & Family Day – 30th

June 2021:

A.) BOD Meeting No.12 – 15th

B.) GMM No. 12 & Fiscal Year-end – 20th or 27th

During the AOB segment, Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH discussing the College of Fellows to the Membership, , below were some of the feedbacks raised by the membership during the meeting:

1. Minimum age requirement for members to be eligible to apply for COF.

2. Advantages and privileges of being a member of COF.

3. Clarification on the 10 years GSM straight. Should it be straight in one Chapter or can be a former member of another chapter?

4. What field of practice does overseas employment fall? Will there be a category for OFW architects?

5. Challenge for BOD to encourage or convince qualified/eligible members to apply for Fellow.

It was decided during the GMM that the Chapter shall hold their upcoming family day at Temburong. Ar. Marious "Jojo" C. Anyayahan volunteered to survey the area for possible locations.

The event has started at around 7:00 PM and ended at around 9:20 PM.

Written by: hbn

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