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UAP Brunei Chapter Third General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter held their Third General Membership Meeting for FY2020-2021 last 11th September 2020.

The 3rd GMM in partnership with Northstar Sdn Bhd was held at Simpang 584, Jalan Tutong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam. Led by its Incoming Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH updated the membership with the activities and tasks accomplished during the month of August 2020.

During the first part of the GMM, Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH gave a quick recap on the task and activities completed by the Chapter during the past month; GMM No.2 held last 7th August 2020, An Open Dialogue held last 16th August 2020, Courtesy Visit to the Filipino Association Negara Brunei Darussalam last 17th August 2020, Courtesy Call with Philippine Ambassador to Brunei, HE Mr. Christopher B. Montero last 21st August 2020, UAP Brunei Chapter’s First-ever Virtual Induction of Officers & New Member held last 22nd August 2020 and the Chapter’s Sixth Founding Anniversary held last 24th August 2020 at Northstar Sdn Bhd, Simpang 584, Jalan Tutong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Immediately after the Chapter President’s Report, Architect Eric S.J. de Castro – Chapter Treasurer FY2020-2021 discussed with the membership the Current Financial Report (as of 11 September 2020). CT Arch. Eric also mentioned the remaining collectibles for the Chapter.

On the Second Part, CP Arch. Romy led the unveiling ceremony for the UAP Brunei Chapter Signage together with Northstar Sdn Bhd’s Managing Director, Mr. Joffrey F. Bumatay.

And lastly by the update of the proposed Cargo Shipment of UAP HQ Plaques & Philippine-based Chapter Member’s Merchandise & Yearbooks.

The floor was then given to the Committee on Professional Development led by Director. Arch. Francis D. Nicdao and Arch. Marious “Jojo” c. Anyayahan who presented the upcoming programs headed by their committee namely;

“Come with Me, Plant a New Tree” (refer to attached event poster)

Arch. Jimmy D.G. Villanueva – Director of Committee on Education informed the membership of the upcoming Software Tutorial which will consist of a Two-Part Session, the volunteer mentor will be Arch. Allan B. David,UAP, EAROPH. Details currently in the works, this event is open to both UAP Brunei Members & Graduate Auxiliary.

This was then followed by Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH shared to the membership the Proposed Philippine Ambassador Residence, which will be a joint project by UAP Brunei Chapter and PICE Brunei Chapter.

Vice President on Programs and Development – Architect Albert M. Abarintos mentioned the upcoming events for the Chapter and he has encourage the members to clear up their calendars and support the activities. Below are the Activities line-up for the month of October & November.

  1. UAP Brunei BOD Meeting No.4 at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd 2nd October 2020 – 7:00 pm

  2. UAP Brunei GMM No.4 at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd World Architecture Day – “Filipino Architect and the New Normal” 9th October 2020 – 7:00 pm

  3. Software Tutorial by Committee on Education at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd Sketchup Modeling & Rendering 18th & 25th October 2020 – TBC

  4. UAP Brunei BOD Meeting No.5 at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd 3rd November 2020 – 7:00 pm

  5. UAP Brunei GMM No.5 at Northstar Development Sdn Bhd 24th November 2020 – 7:00 pm

In addition, VPPD Ar. Albert M. Abarintos showcased to the membership the Biking Group they have assembled and urged the members to participate on this weekly activity with the goal of improving cardiovascular health and general wellbeing.

During the last part of the GMM, Vice President on Operations – Architect Orville J. Dulce informed the membership regarding the upcoming Salo-salo Together – Sa Pagtatapos ng Taon which the Chapter will take part of in the preparation of the stage backdrop.

The General Membership Meeting started at around 7:20 PM and ended at 10: 15 PM.

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