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UAP Brunei Chapter Turnover between Outgoing & Incoming Officers & Pre-EB Meeting

Outgoing & Incoming Officers posed for a group photo after the Turnover Ceremony

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter has held its turnover ceremony between the outgoing and incoming officers last 28 May 2021 at Northstar Development SdnBhd Office located in Simpang 584 JalanTutong BSB Brunei Darussalam.

During the turnover, CP Romy has thanked all the attending officers and acknowledged each and everyone’s enormous contribution for the outgoing fiscal year despite the continuing effect of the pandemic. The Chapter will keep positive for the incoming fiscal year and will continue to serve its membership as mandated. On the other hand, all the officers were also given the opportunity to have their final thoughts or statements about the outgoing fiscal year, things that could be improved in the next fiscal year, some oversights that need to be addressed and future activities to look forward to.

Overall, the incoming officers are all optimistic for a successful fiscal year ahead with of course if have the full support of the membership.

It was followed by a Pre-Executive Board meeting. The meeting has started at around 7:25 PM and ended at around 10:15 PM.

Incoming Officers posed for a group photo after their Pre-EB Meeting

(From L-R: Ar. Heric B. Nicdao (Incoming Secretary), Ar. Francis D. Nicdao (Incoming VP Operations), Ar. JojoAnyayahan (Incoming VP Programs &Dev;t), Ar. Romeo J. Nabong II (Incoming President) and Ar. Gilbert C. Sicat (Incoming Treasurer). Not in Photo: Ar. Claire DG Franco (Incoming Auditor)

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